Long Sleeve Shirt


SKU: tsa-100 Category: Tag:


Kev’s Wood Works believes in producing high-quality items for our customers who desire to purchase our products. Kev the owner/founder of Kev’s Wood Works has always thrived to provide his customers with the absolute best services and materials on the market.  His online reputation speaks for itself.  This Master Wood Worker’s mission is to build a strong relationship with his customers to continue the expansion of Kev’s Wood Works business adventures in the years to come.

This Long Sleeve Shirt is made of high-quality fabric and is PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA.  This product would be great for a friend, or a family member.  Kev sincerely believes you will love this Long Sleeve Shirt.

If you have any questions about this product please contact our store anytime by e-mail.  Most replies are replyed back with a twenty-four (24) hour time period.  E-mail: kev@kcwworks.com

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Medium, Large, Extra Large, XXL, 3XL




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